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Перевод Примеры
Сначала дело, потом удоволъствие // дело прежде всего.

Мах rose. "But, Rodney, aren't you staying for lunch? I thought ... " "l'm afraid I'll have to go. Bisiness before pleasure, you know. McFadden Pulley need me." (Masters)

"Baines," he said, "will you take me for а walk this afternoon?" "No," Mrs. Baines said, "No ! That he won't. Not with all the silver to clean." "There's а fortnight to do it in," Baines said. "Work f"II'St, pleasure afterwards." (Greene)

Whereupon, Jeeves, Miss Sipperley wrote back, saying that she quite realized that work must come before pleasure-pleasure being her loose way of describing the act of singing songs at the Beckley-on-the-Moor concert and getting the laugh from the local toughs. ( Wodehouse)